Category: Monthly Newsletter
Two Ways to Wow Potential Customers Today!
February 11, 2020
Postcards are a great way to provide homeowners with your contact information so that they can research your business, but how can you make sure a homeowner falls head-over-heels for your moving co...
Hindsight is 20/20. Did You Use the Best Lead Source Last Year?
January 14, 2020
The New Year has us reflecting on a remarkable 2019. We listened to our customers and made some big changes to make our direct mail marketing even more successful for the moving industry.
In a Winter Slump? Warm Up Sales with Hot Leads!
December 17, 2019
At this time of year, the cold weather and busy holiday season prevent many homeowners from moving. But savvy movers know that to avoid a slowdown in the winter, it pays to keep marketing.
Postcard Design Help is Now Available From
November 12, 2019
At, our goal is to help movers build successful direct mail campaigns. Did you know that a postcard design can make or break a campaign?After working with hundreds of movers, we hav...
Don't Get Spooked By Fewer Leads This Fall
October 15, 2019
It's scary out there. With fewer homes on the market and sales moving slower, movers will have fewer leads and slower responses. Fear not! We've got a few tricks up our sleeves that will help keep ...
To Mail or Not to Mail? (To Pending Leads) That Is the Question.
September 18, 2019
Since we've announced our pending leads service, we've talked to a lot of movers that are trying to decide if they should be mailing to pending leads. The answer may be different for every mover.