The fastest way to ruin amazing moving leads
I geek-out on finding ways to help movers improve their sales metrics and better understand the impacts their marketing has.
The silver lining of that tough experience?
It gives us a prime opportunity to learn from their loss.

We have a lot of great customers, and we’ve had the pleasure of working with this particular moving company for several years. They’ve always had great results with our Automated Postcard Service (where we print & mail their postcards to the best moving leads in their area).
Even better, this company does a really good job of tracking their sales and lead calls. For them, the value of ongoing postcard campaigns far outweighs the cost.
- On average 3% of our postcards bring in a followup phone call.
- Over 1% of postcards turn into a moving job...usually a good sized one.
- So, if we send 100 cards a week, at 82¢ per card they’re only spending $82 to land $1,200+ in business!
Everyone was happy till this summer.
They reached out to me and I crunched some numbers....
Ouch -- Their response rates had dropped by 60%
Their website had gone down in July...
...and stayed down.
We know that they lost a LOT of business.
And, the impacts were clear in their lead funnel: Even with the best moving leads and great postcards, they still lost roughly 60% of their postcard-based business.
- Make sure you check your website regularly!
- At least 60% of people are going online to double-check offline marketing materials.
- Buying the best moving leads isn’t everything, a decent website is a key part of lead conversion & acquisition.
- If your website is out-dated (or worse nonexistent) it’s a solid bet that you are losing significant business to your competitors.
- Spend money on your website! All of your other marketing efforts depend on the quality of your home page. Get a professional designer to help you.
- Even without a website...our postcards were so good, they STILL brought in sales calls for the client. :)
Hope this hits home how important that website is for your moving company!
And, if you haven't tried our targeted, moving leads service - check it out.
We help hundreds of moving companies connect with homeowners right when they need a mover, and I'm proud of the fact that our leads gets results that are pretty amazing.
Categories: About, Direct Mail Marketing